Lucifer Rebellion

Something Wicked Arises

Click on photo for information about it.

Before discussing the Lucifer Rebellion, it is important to understand cosmology as revealed in The Urantia Book. The primary unit of creation is called a local universe (there are about 700,000 local universes in all creation); ours is named Nebadon and is the creation of Michael, our Creator Son, and our Mother Spirit. We also know our Creator Son as Jesus. The next smallest unit is called the constellation, ours is called Norlatiadek and there are 100 constellations in a local universe. The constellation is ruled by the Most Highs.[1] The final administrative unit is the system, there are 100 systems in a constellation; our system is called Satania and is ruled by a system sovereign. When complete each system will have about 1,000 inhabited planets. Our world, known as Urantia on universe records, is planet number 606 in Satania.


Two hundred thousand years ago our system sovereign was Lucifer,[2] a brilliant being; after passing through the universe training schools he ranked number 37 out of more than seven hundred thousand similar beings.[3]

At this time Lucifer went into open rebellion against higher authority; He was the instigator of the rebellion. Nobody suggested anything of the sort to him; the rebellion originated totally in the mind of Lucifer.[4] Not only did the rebellion originate with Lucifer, there were no specific problems in our system that could have been a catalyst for a rebellion; there were no glaring deficiencies that needed correcting. Lucifer could have originated his rebellion wherever he might have been stationed.[5] He was a brilliant personality and this deceived many because they could not understand how anybody that magnificent could lead them astray. Depending blindly on authority can be a risky business for anybody. Our allegiance should be given to our Heavenly Father instead of some “authority.”

At the announcement of the rebellion Lucifer’s assistant, Satan, declared that the universal forces could be worshiped but allegiance could only be given to Lucifer because he was actually present. Satan proclaimed that Lucifer was the friend of men and angels and the “God of Liberty.”[6] Our Planetary Prince joined this rebellion against the authority of God; further information about this rebellion can be found on the Planetary Prince Talking Point page.

Satan went to the individual inhabited planets, over 600 at that time, to persuade them to join the rebellion; 36 planets participated in this rebellion against universe authority.

Questions raised by rebellion

Briefly stated Lucifer declared God did not exist, natural forces could function without God. Lucifer declared resurrection was automatic; everyone would live forever if higher authorities did not interfere.

It has been two hundred thousand years since the rebellion and still it has not been fully settled, there has not been a final verdict in the legal case against Lucifer. To us this seems like an extremely long time, but to beings with ongoing life, this is only a short interval. There are many reasons for this delay, among them are the following. Everyone affected by the rebellion must formulate a deliberate decision regarding their attitude to the evil and sinful acts of the rebellion; this is a requirement of mercy.[7] Affectionate fathers hesitate to inflict punishment upon an erring member of the family; patience requires time to unfold.[8] Our universe Creator Son who, with our universe Mother Spirit, created all the life in our universe was counseled by a representative from the Paradise Trinity to allow the rebellion to run its course.[9] Gabriel, our universe chief executive, was advised that every creature must have time to reach a deliberate decision on the questions raised by Lucifer. Everyone needs to decide where they stand in these matters of personal liberty and the preeminence of God in our lives; anything less than this would result in further and wider isolations.[10] There are other reasons for the delay in justice but these are the main points: mercy, love of the Father for erring children, and allowing everyone involved to formulate a personal decision regarding where they stand in the matter so that all possible sympathy for the rebels is extinguished.

This rebellion severely disrupted the affairs of our local system and many were taken in by the call to spurious liberty. Lucifer put forth his seditious views on the system capital while Satan went to the various planets seeking to enlist them in the rebellion. These views about liberty were seditious because they went against the will of God. When one person or one group seeks power over another without everyone exercising their free will, there is tyranny.

Consequences on Urantia

On our planet, Urantia, the consequence of the rebellion was severe. Assisting our planetary prince was a staff of one hundred physical beings, called the corporeal staff, who could interact with our mortal ancestors assisting them to advance their civilization. Of these, sixty went into rebellion and only forty remained loyal.

The planetary government was thrown into chaos and most of the improvements brought by our planetary ruler in the previous 300,000 years were rapidly lost. As a direct consequence of this upheaval our planet was immediately cut off from the communication circuits of our universe. This isolation continues to this day and will continue until we as a planet overthrow our apostate planetary prince and affirm that we are willing to follow God’s guidance, to do His will. Jesus defeated Caligastia, who is no longer our planetary prince; however we as a planet must defeat his policies and affirm that we as a planet want to do God’s will, before our communication lines can be reconnected to our local system government.

A final comment about the betrayal of Caligastia. Recall when your children were young and unexperienced, you placed restrictions on them until you were certain they had enough maturity to be allowed greater freedom. So it is with life on evolutionary planets, in the time-space creations, free will is hedged about with restraints, with limitations. (Urantia Book 1301.6) Any new life needs to be protected so that it may become strong and grow to its full potential unmolested. This includes the life on our native sphere and this protection was obliterated by the Lucifer rebellion and the Caligastia betrayal.

Our native world is even today struggling with the effects of rebellion and this will continue until the ideas championed by Lucifer, such as unfettered free will and self-assertion, have been defeated.

In these times of global information exchange it is possible for anyone desiring to learn truth to do so; they will be guided in these efforts by their indwelling adjuster and the Spirit of Truth. For those seeking truth this is readily available; all we need is the desire to apply it in our daily lives and thereby make a difference in our troubled world. Each of us can become a Light of Truth.

Further reading

“Light of Truth: Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness”

Chapter 1 – In Darkness

Appendix 2 a – Planetary Prince

Urantia Book

Paper 53          The Lucifer Rebellion

Paper 54          Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion

  1. See Bible, Genesis 14:18

  2. Bible, Isaiah 14:12, KJV, he is translated out of most other versions.

  3. All references are to The Urantia Book unless otherwise noted. The number refers to the single column version in the format page.paragraph; 601.1

  4. 603.1

  5. 602.5

  6. 604.3

  7. 617.2

  8. 617.4

  9. 617.8

  10. 617.10