Truth Seekers


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A truth seeker is a person who actively seeks a wider truth; they want to learn more about many subjects. A truth seeker is not satisfied with who they are, they want to know more and be more.

Truth for all time

Jesus was a truth giver; he was the truth for that generation on Urantia. When a great truth seeker and a great truth giver meet, the result is a great and liberating enlightenment born of the experience of new truth. (Urantia Book 1428.1) (Urantia is the name of our planet on the universe records.)

Jesus was indeed truth for that time and for all time; he has sent us the Spirit of Truth to guide each of us into a fuller realization of truth. As we study the account of his life as revealed in The Urantia Book, we can appreciate the depth and power of the truth of Jesus.

Truth seekers have a strong, undefinable urge to seek something better, something of meaning for their lives. Often they do not know what they are seeking or even that they are seeking; there is something missing in their existence, they seek fulfillment. They are vulnerable to false truth, to misleading accounts but through it all they keep on seeking. Before I found the truth of The Urantia Book I studied many esoteric books but they were not satisfying. When this revelation found me I devoured it, feeling compelled to keep studying it even though I could little comprehend it at first. I was driven to find truth; The Urantia Book is truth for our times.

Truth seekers have a curiosity about many things, a thirst for knowledge; they feel driven, perhaps even guided. They want to know more and will not be satisfied with partial answers, with half truths. They seek meaning for their existence.

When they find something of spiritual value, something of worth they can recognize, they seize it and embrace it. Now they have something meaningful to latch onto, to embrace. Their passion for truth is being realized as this new truth is investigated.

Passion for truth

Once this has been identified, truth seekers will then act based on their understanding of this truth, this vital knowledge they have discovered. This truth will be meaningless if it is not shared and acted upon. Stagnant truth is dead truth; it is no longer truth.

As these truth seekers grow in their knowledge of this discovered truth they are persistent in following through, in continuing to grow in their awareness and implementation of this truth in their daily lives. They fully live this truth.

Living truth teaches the truth seeker aright only when it is embraced in wholeness and as a living spiritual reality, not as a fact of material science or an inspiration of intervening art. (Urantia Book 2075.5)

The truth discovered by such a seeker must be fully embraced and allowed to transform the seeker, which is the goal of seeking. Once such a truth has transformed the life of the seeker it will be evident in the seeker’s life and interactions with others; when this happens others will be drawn to such a person who has found and expresses truth in their life.

Further reading

“Light of Truth: Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness”

Chapter 7 – New Day Dawning

                        Especially section b – Spiritual Considerations

Urantia Book

Paper 140        Ordination of the Twelve                               {UB p 1568}

                        Especially here