Spirit of Truth

Seeking Truth

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After the Last Supper, Jesus addressed the apostles, telling them about the Spirit of Truth he would soon bestow upon the world. He said he would leave with them one who would teach them truth and comfort them, the Spirit of Truth.[1] He told them that he could be with each of them at the same time. He would not leave us without guidance and that he would be with us, teaching us.[2]

Our spirit guide

This spirit guide is exactly like Jesus except for the material body and will be with each of us simultaneously.[3] In this way he will live in us just as the Father lives in us by means of the Thought Adjuster. Each of us has powerful spirit guides helping us and they will certainly show us the way if we let them.

This Spirit of Truth is not the letter or the law of truth, nor is it some expression of truth. The new teacher is the conviction of truth, the consciousness and assurance of true meanings on real spirit levels. (Urantia Book 1949.3) With this spirit guiding us, we know what truth is just as if Jesus were with us pointing it out for us. If we follow its guidance, this spirit will certainly lead us into truth.

Truth is a living changing thing that cannot be captured, imprisoned in creeds or formulas. The growth of truth in our soul can be experienced and we can enjoy the liberty of its enlightenment in our mind, but once it is captured and codified it loses its vital essence.[4] When truth dies our soul is in peril.

Seeking life everlasting

Now that we have started seeking life everlasting and accepted the opportunity to progress, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, “This is the way.” (Urantia Book 382.2)

When Jesus was on Earth teaching us about the love of God for each individual and other truths he naturally could only be in one place at a time, teaching one person or one group of people. After he left our planet and resumed leadership in his local universe, Jesus sent us the Spirit of Truth to be bestowed upon everyone; this spirit teaches us that we are the sons and daughters of God and teaches everyone about the presence of God within.[5] It tells us about true meanings on spirit levels; it is the spirit of expanding and growing truth. For each new generation this spirit restates the teachings of Jesus enabling us to use it based upon our own personal spiritual difficulties and needs.[6]

How do we know if we are truly fellowshipping with this Spirit of Truth? This proof lies in our own experience of enhanced fellowship with Jesus.[7] The more we love Jesus and are aware of his guiding presence the more we are following his guiding spirit. The Spirit of Truth comes really to lead all believers into all truth, into the expanding knowledge of the experience of the living and growing spiritual consciousness of the reality of eternal and ascending sonship with God. (Urantia Book 2061.5) One indication of the power of this Spirit of Truth is the fact that less than a month after the apostles received this spirit helper they made more spiritual progress than they had made in four years living with Jesus.[8] Each of us has this spirit guiding us into a greater understanding of truth and if we follow its guidance we cannot fail.

We are familiar with the Spirit of Truth since it is mentioned in the Bible where it is called the Holy Spirit.[9] It powerfully activated the apostles at Pentecost, especially Peter.[10]

There are countless types of spirits impinging upon us. The materialist might conceive we are living in a spiritual desert without any guides to show the way. The materialist might think of being alone in a hostile creation. Friendless. This is certainly not the case. If this materialist loves and is loved, then God is present since all true love is from God.[11] We certainly are not alone because there are spirit forces guiding us.

We are nurtured, protected, guided and deeply loved in our spiritual environment. We cannot possibly comprehend the assistance we receive in this nurturing atmosphere; even the most loveless people on Earth have loving spirit guides working to uplift them; if we follow their guidance we cannot fail to grow spiritually.

Further Reading

“Light of Truth: Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness”

Chapter 2 – Spiritual Reality

Urantia Book

Paper 180        The Farewell Discourse

                        Especially section 5 – The Spirit of Truth

  1. All references are to The Urantia Book unless stated otherwise. The number refers to the single column version in the format page.paragraph; 1947.2

  2. 1948.2

  3. 1949.1

  4. 1949.4

  5. 1642.2 and 1948.2

  6. 2060.6

  7. 2061.2

  8. 2061.7

  9. Bible, Acts chapter 2

  10. 2060.2

  11. 1289.3