Urantia Book – About

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The Urantia Book is the Fifth Epochal Revelation to our planet; the fifth time we have received advanced truth. Epochal is defined as the beginning of a new and important period in the history of anything. The publication of this new revelation therefore defines the start of a new period of history. It is complex on many levels, there is no way it can be described or simplified without losing substance, something meaningful. The best we can hope for is to briefly outline its structure, how it is put together, and present a way to approach it.

The forward

One striking aspect of this revelation is the very first part of the book, the Forward, which is extremely difficult for us to comprehend because there is no easing into it whatsoever. In these seventeen pages they are introducing important concepts along with precise meanings; our limited language is not well suited for their advanced truths and our mortal brains have difficulty comprehending these concepts. We are generally not used to such precise thinking. However each one of us has a fragment of God Within helping us understand these teachings.

When I started studying this book I instinctively started at the beginning and read it from front to back more than once; the first time through I understood very little but I felt compelled to keep at it; each time through it I comprehended somewhat more. Starting with Part IV and learning about the teachings of Jesus trivializes him since it gives us no indication of the importance of his bestowal nor does it place Jesus in the context of all creation. We would have no concept of cosmology or the nature of our Heavenly Father. Using Part IV as an opening to the revelation does not tell us why Jesus incarnated on our planet for the benefit of an entire universe. Those who are sincerely seeking truth and wisdom would do well to make the effort to study this revelation from the beginning.

In the Forward various concepts are presented along with the specific meaning they attach to each. Among these are Deity and Divinity, God, the Seven Absolutes, Universe Reality, Energy and Pattern, the Supreme Being, God the Sevenfold and many more. The Forward lays the foundation for the rest of the book by presenting the meaning of words that are subsequently used.

Parts of the revelation

Part I describes the central and superuniverses. The first five papers describe God, His nature, attributes, His relationship to the universe and to the individual. The next two describe the Eternal Son and his relationship to the universe. There are also two similar papers describing the Infinite Spirit. In addition there are papers about the Trinity, Paradise, and a description of the structure of the universe of universes. There are detailed descriptions of many types of personalities on many levels. The detail with which they are presented can be tiring to read but the complexity of it all is somehow reassuring and comforting; creation is big enough there is a place for a wide diversity of intelligent beings.

Part II is concerned with the local universe and describes how the universes evolve, how they are administered and describes the various personalities residing in these realms. The subdivisions: constellations and systems are also described. One of the more challenging papers in this part is Paper 42, “Energy—Mind and Matter;” this paper explains the different aspects of matter. In this part there is also a paper about the Lucifer rebellion on our system capital; the consequences of this rebellion against universe government on our native sphere is a major theme of my book “Light of Truth: Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness.”

Part III details the history of our planet, Urantia, from its beginning more than three billion years ago. The first six papers in this part were written by Life Carriers; these beings planted life on our planet and remained here to oversee the evolutionary process. While it may be a bit dry to read their account of how it progresses, nevertheless their enthusiasm comes through as they report the various pre-programmed evolutionary changes. For example there is the following quote:

140,000,000 years ago, suddenly and with only the hint of the two prereptilian ancestors that developed in Africa during the preceding epoch, the reptiles appeared in full-fledged form. They developed rapidly, soon yielding crocodiles, scaled reptiles, and eventually both sea serpents and flying reptiles. Their transition ancestors speedily disappeared. (Urantia Book 686.5)

The Life Carriers are certainly enthusiastic and interested in following the evolutionary progression of the life they initiated on this planet.

There is also a series of papers describing the evolution of our prehumen ancestors and the thrilling story of the first true human beings, the twins Andon and Fonta. Their decision to flee from their family and live together was the first free will decision on our planet and it resulted in our world being declared inhabited. The growth of society is discussed. Much more is revealed in this interesting section of the book, from the planetary rebellion, to Adam and Eve. The spread of the teachings of Melchizedek is an interesting series of papers. One of the best sections in the book is a series of five papers on religion. The story of the history of our planet is a fascinating read, presenting countless aspects that were previously unknown.

For many readers Part IV, the life and teachings of Jesus, is the best part of the book because we are somewhat familiar with the subject; in fact it is thrilling to learn how he grew up, how he interacted with those around him and discover what he was doing during the so called missing years, the period of his life that was not reported previously. To read his actual words as he taught the apostles and others seeking truth is uplifting. However this part of the revelation must stand on the foundation of the previous parts; reading it in isolation robs it of the necessary background, it removes the perspective we gain by taking things in order.

Fifth epochal revelation

The Urantia Book is the fifth Epochal Revelation to our planet and it is proper the largest section describes the fourth epochal revelation, the life and teachings of Jesus. As important as this part is, its true significance becomes apparent only in relationship with the complete revelation.

The Urantia Book is the most important revelation of truth to our planet since Jesus two thousand years ago. It is that vital to our spiritual progress.

The views expressed on this website are solely those of the author, Doug Cable, and do not represent views of any Organization. For further information about The Urantia Book, please visit Urantia.org.

Further Reading

“Light of Truth: Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness”

Appendix 1 – Epochal Revelation

Appendix 2 – The Urantia Book