Epochal Revelations

House of God

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The Urantia Book is the fifth epochal revelation of truth to our planet. What exactly is meant by “epochal” revelation? The dictionary defines epochal as “the beginning of a new and important period in the history of anything.”[1] The publication of this new revelation therefore defines the start of a new period of history, which will no doubt become apparent only after many years when we can look back on these turbulent times and how they were resolved.

Five epochal revelations

The first epochal revelation was our Planetary Prince, Caligastia, who arrived about five hundred thousand years ago.[2] While he is invisible to mortals he brought with him beings called the corporeal staff who looked similar to our ancestors.[3] Things proceeded normally for about three hundred thousand years until he joined a rebellion against universe authority and all social progress our ancestors had made was swiftly lost. As a result of this rebellion our planet was cut off from communicating with the rest of the universe;[4] the history of our planet ever since has been affected by this calamity.

Our second epochal revelation was Adam and Eve who arrived more than 37,000 years ago. The Garden of Eden had been prepared for them in the eastern Mediterranean by loyal members of the corporeal staff. Life was difficult for them because they were isolated and their work was hampered by Caligastia and those working with him. They did not join the rebellion but they fell victim to a plot instigated by Caligastia who remains free on our planet even to this day. After they were declared in default they left the Garden of Eden and formed a second one in Mesopotamia; while their bestowal was not a total success they did great work spiritually and genetically uplifting our ancestors.

The third epochal revelation was about four thousand years ago when Melchizedek arrived to bring our planet an increased awareness of spiritual reality; [5] he lived in a place called Salem, which later became known as Jerusalem.[6] This incarnation was necessary to prepare the way for the bestowal of Jesus which was already being planned at that time. Melchizedek taught missionaries who then went into many parts of the world spreading his teachings of one God; most of the religions founded in the last four thousand years were derived at least partly from the teachings of this Sage of Salem. Melchizedek made a covenant with Abraham that if Abraham believed in God his progeny would become as numerous as the stars in the sky; [7] the Jewish nation later arose as a result of this agreement between God and Abraham.

The fourth revelation was Jesus. Our part of creation is a local universe called Nebadon, which is ruled by a Creator Son, Michael, and a universe Mother Spirit. Even though he created the life in his universe, Michael could not rule in his own name until he had seven times experienced life as various universe creatures. His seventh and final bestowal was as Jesus. Such a bestowal happens only once in one in ten million inhabited planets. His teachings and the way he lived his life did much to uplift spiritual life on our planet, Urantia, which has a special place in the affairs of our universe because of the bestowal of our Creator Son as a mortal on this planet. The current religions bearing his name do not incorporate all of the teachings of Jesus, but they were a great advance on previous religions.

The fifth Epochal Revelation is The Urantia Book. Being the fifth epochal revelation means that this is the most important revelation of truth to our planet since Jesus two thousand years ago. During this period those keeping watch over our planet recognize nothing at this level of spiritual value; The Urantia Book is of epochal importance.

A challenging read

This work is a challenging read because in a way it is a wakeup call to human beings; we have become lazy in our thinking and have lost interest in spiritual reality. We would rather do something frivolous; waste our time on meaningless fluff than actually think about anything meaningful, anything lasting; we spend our time in the present moment rather than contemplate eternal reality, eternal truths. A day will come when each individual must soberly face the consequences of this; it is also true for our society as a whole.

Affairs on our planet have been severely impacted by the actions of the first epochal revelation of truth when Caligastia joined a rebellion against God and universe authority. Even though this rebellion happened two hundred thousand years ago its effects are still being felt even today. The Urantia Book is the latest installment in their plan to counteract the consequences of rebellion, the first since Jesus. Students of this latest epochal revelation should incorporate its teachings into their daily lives and work to make this world a better place for everyone.

Further reading

“Light of Truth: Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness”

Appendix 1 – The Urantia BookAppendix 1.

  1. Webster’s p 366 Third College Edition Webster’s New World Dictionary of American English, Victoria Neufeldt and David B. Guralnik eds., Webster’s New World, Cleveland and New York, 1988, P. 458

  2. All references are to The Urantia Book unless stated otherwise. The number refers to the single column version in the format page.paragraph; 741.2

  3. 742.3

  4. 755.5

  5. 1014.5

  6. 1015.4

  7. See Bible, Genesis 17:1-8