Rays of Hope
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The condition of our society cries out for relief from the madness surrounding us. This insanity arose as a result of actions in our distant past and comes in many forms, from politicians denying our environment is in danger because of our carbon hungry way of life to elected officials having no awareness of governance to the legislature rubber stamping whatever the wealthy and big business demand. Add to this the patchwork of nations, each one claiming absolute sovereignty; the continuance of life on our planet is in peril.
Sources of hope
One source of hope is that our planet has been granted a new revelation, an Epochal Revelation of truth, The Urantia Book. While it has not been widely recognized, this collection of truth is the most important revelation since Jesus. Because it is so profound, spiritually satisfying and deeply meaningful it will take time for its significance to become apparent. “Light of Truth: Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness” by Doug Cable is a step in getting the word out to our sisters and brothers everywhere.
Rays of hope signal the approaching dawn of a new day for Earth. These rays are just beginning to peek over the horizon and they have not been generally recognized but they are growing stronger and the day may not be far off when our planet could experience a sudden growth in peace, brotherhood and love. We may even become aware we are all cosmic citizens. The word “suddenly” is used about a hundred times in The Urantia Book. For example, in its description of the evolution of life there are many references to a particular species evolving suddenly. Earth needs a sudden spiritual uplift; these rays of hope are an indication of this approaching “sudden.” The transition may be painful, but it is necessary and imminent.
These rays of hope are an indication of wise hands guiding us; their plans may take considerable time to unfold, but the Most Highs[1] do indeed rule in the affairs of Earth.[2] They are able to utilize truly long term planning based on their knowledge of all necessary factors. Among these are: the level of our spiritual awareness, our emotional maturity, our societal maturity, and our evolutionary progress as human beings. Be not discouraged; human evolution is still in progress, and the revelation of God to the world, in and through Jesus, shall not fail. (Urantia Book 2097.1)
A few of these rays of hope are the following.
The rays
Millennials are a group of young adults coming of age early in the 21st century; they are generally considered as having been born between 1980 and about 1995. This group of young adults has certain characteristics that set them apart from previous generations and they are currently the largest segment of our population at 28.7%.[3] They might be an example of the ongoing progress of evolution.
Their distinctive characteristics are evidence of evolution at work. Many of these distinguishing traits became evident in their reaction to the school shootings in Parkland Florida and elsewhere; for them passion matters.[4] They have also become active in the climate change awareness movement. When they latch onto something they will keep at it fearlessly. They know that in order to achieve their goals it is necessary to take risks, they are risk takers. Millennials align their work life with their passion. They have a mission and think in terms of this mission, for example those protesting school shootings and the preponderance of guns in our society had a mission of reducing gun violence. When they receive new facts they can change their focus quickly. They are spontaneous and don’t want to miss out on interesting experiences. Finally they like to travel and experience new wonders. This ray will be the motivators bringing about a better world for everyone.
Parliament of the World’s Religions last met in Toronto, Canada in November 2018. This is a movement seeking world-wide brotherhood through religious understanding. One of their goals is to increase awareness of a Global Ethic. The cross-cultural interactions in their gatherings are invigorating; we learn about how different religions and cultures interact. This ray will provide a moral foundation for the work that must be done.
The Urantia Book is the latest revelation of truth to our planet, the most important one since the life and teachings of Jesus two thousand years ago. This revelation can transform the life of each serious student. This is not something to read lightly and set aside, rather each student of this revelation needs to allow the teachings to guide them into a greater appreciation of spiritual reality and our place in the cosmos. This book gives detailed information on many aspects of the work ahead of us. It increases our awareness of spiritual reality and elevates the worth of each individual. This ray of light is the textbook for the physical and spiritual rehabilitation of planet Earth.
Spiritual Guidance is a vital ray of hope; citizens in our largely secular society are unaware of the spiritual guidance we receive. God is actually present within each thinking mortal on this planet; therefore we can each have a personal relationship with God. When Jesus left our planet he sent the Spirit of Truth to guide us into truth and a greater awareness of God, which greatly empowered the apostles at Pentecost. There are more spiritual agencies assisting us than can be described quickly. The spiritual powers that be have not abandoned us; it is we who have abandoned them at our peril. This ray gives us spiritual guidance.
Earth Federation is vital evidence of the work of those guiding our society; it outlines how we can attain world peace and brotherhood. Our current system of independent nation-states where each claims total sovereignty is the root cause of our international friction and wars; only by recognizing true sovereignty where each individual on Earth has an equal right to vote, will there be international peace. The Earth Federation has a proposed structure for a world government, an impressive body of laws, and a detailed plan to implement its proposals. The Constitution for the Federation of Earth is a masterful document detailing how a world government would be organized; once it is fully implemented there would be peace for everyone on Earth. This ray will bring about world peace when world government is finally in place.
These separate rays of hope are evidence that the Most Highs truly are at work in the affairs of humanity guiding us toward a new world order wherein we will have peace, brotherhood, love, and an inclusive society. The dawn of a new day of brotherhood for each one of our sisters and brothers is indeed approaching.
Get ready for the sunrise of righteousness!
Further Reading
“Light of Truth: Anticipating the Triumph of Righteousness”
Chapter 7 – New Day Dawning
Urantia Book
Paper 72 Government on a Neighboring Planet
Paper 134 The Transition Years
Especially section 3 – The Urmia Lectures
The Most Highs are rulers of the constellations, (Urantia Book, 499.3) each of which will have about 100,000 inhabited planets when complete. ↑
Bible; Daniel 4:17 ↑
https://www.npr.org/2014/11/18/354196302/amid-the-stereotypes-some-facts-about-millennials, retrieved 12/20/18. ↑
This discussion is based on “7 Millennial Traits that Baby Boomers Need to Learn” by Evan Burns, https://www.inc.com/evan-burns/7-millennial-traits-that-baby-boomer-employers-need-to-learn.html, retrieved 12/20/18. ↑